The world is saying it’s #TimeForCuba … #MeliaCuba is listening

The world is saying it’s #TimeForCuba … #MeliaCuba is listening

-“Oh my god, oh my god he’s in” ….”People, Obama is here”. Once these words were said the glass of Meliá Habana’s Italian restaurant “La Scala” fogged up in admiration. The staff lined up in a burst of waves and smiles to welcome Havana’s guest of the day, President Barack Obama. On his way to meet the staff of the American Embassy in one of the hotel conference rooms, the Chief of State waved back, warmly, as if he was greeting a friend.

Arrival to Meliá Habana

Minutes later, he returned to seal his gesture shaking hands with each employee before departing towards Old Havana.

President Obama shakes hands with Meliá Habana's staff
President Obama after shaking hands with Meliá Habana’s staff

On that March 20th, Meliá Cohiba was also in the spotlight. The Tampa Bay Rays arrived in the evening along with members of the Major League Baseball and specialized journalists. The buzz resumed, this time in the hearts of the Meliá Cohiba’s staff.

Arrival of the Tampa Bay Rays to Meliá Cohiba
Arrival of the Tampa Bay Rays to Meliá Cohiba

In the meantime, the Tryp Habana Libre hosted Obama’s visit official Press Room. In the spacious “Salón de Embajadores”, journalists from all over the world were telling the most amazing real time stories. A fantastic mural, accompanied them all along, a work of the Cuban artist, Luis Enrique Camejo called “Malecón”.

"Malecón" work of Cuban artist Luis Enrique Camejo
Piece of “Malecón”, work of Cuban artist Luis Enrique Camejo

The world was saying “It’s #TimeForCuba” and #MeliaCuba was listening…