#CubaTips: 5 useful hints on Cuba Travel

#CubaTips: 5 useful hints on Cuba Travel

Traveling to Cuba may be considered as a conundrum for the Island itself is such a mystic and enigmatic place. However it is also the warmest, safest and cheering place in the world. Like any other destination, before the trip you will need to be prepared and get some ‘’insight info’’. A few tips (and tricks) could definitely come in handy!!!

Eat local food

Food culture in Cuba is another enigma. Despite what many people think, there’s gastronomic grace in the island and the many “paladars” that have recently opened right across it are prove of it. Some of them are real jewels of Cuban and International cuisine. Save a night or two for your local hotel’s themed restaurants too, they won’t dissapoint you either.

Lechón Asado
Lechón Asado

Use Cuban pesos from time to time

There is, of course, the double economy, whereby Convertibles and Cuban pesos circulate simultaneously. Pesos are useful for urban transport and some cultural activities (such as movies).

Bring cash

Money-wise, your best bet is to bring cash. A credit card will provide a good emergency backup and traveler’s check from non-American banks are usually acceptables.


Personally, I think riding a bike in Cuba is the best way to discover the Island in close-up. Some decent roads, wonderful scenery and the opportunity to get off the beaten track and meet Cubans eye-to-eye make cycling here a pleasure whichever route you take.

Cycling highlights include the Viñales Valley, the spin from Trinidad to Playa Ancón, the quiet lanes that zigzag through Guardalavaca, and the roads out of Baracoa to Playa Maguana (northwest) and Boca de Yumurí (southeast) . For a bigger challenge try La Farola between Cajobabo and Baracoa, the bumpty but spectacular coast road between Santiago and Marea del Portillo .


Always wear light clothes

When it comes to Cuba ‘’casual and comfy’’is always the best choice. All the extra you are going to need is a jacket but just in case the wind blows a little. In Cuba it’s warm the whole year so bring shorts, tennis, and umbrella and don’t forget the hat!!

Cuba is a unique country with  distinct characteristics. Travel here not only requires a passport and money , it also requires flexibility, creativity, good humor, patience and a healthy sense of adventure!! Cuba remains an easy country to travel in and there are few barriers stopping you from wandering around. The only risk is keeping a wide open mind !!