Holguín: the most beautiful land and its tastiest recipes

Holguín: the most beautiful land and its tastiest recipes

With Ajiaco – a delicious soup of meats, tubers and vegetables, famous for the variety of its ingredients – the Cuban nation was compared by the ethnologist Fernando Ortiz. Several centuries have consolidated a mixture of cultures: aboriginal, Spanish, African, Chinese … until reaching the current result: the soul of Cuba, which unquestionably emerges as the greatest charm of these lands.

In his metaphor, Don Fernando was referring to that great universe that is the national identity; but we, more modest, will take it literally. Just as Cubanidad is an ajiaco, so is Cuban cuisine! We have talked on other occasions about the gastronomic surprises that the island has in store for its visitors: an exquisite world of flavors, smells, ways of preparing dishes that takes a little bit from here and there, mixes everything and the result is a perfect mix. Are you interested? Check out our posts about the cuisine in Cayo Coco and Varadero; But don’t do it right now, because today we will be talking about Holguín.


Renowned for its beaches Playa Esmeralda, Playa Pesquero and Guardalavaca, this region also treasures important natural parks and cities with centuries of history. Here, a culinary tradition has been developed related to the sea – it could not be otherwise – with the products of the peasant garden and with the ancestral aboriginal procedures. Dishes such as casabe stand out, a candidate recipe for National Heritage based on the cooking of cassava flour; the holguinero sopon, “son” of the ajiaco itself that we already mentioned; the sausages of Auras –not the bird, but the town- whose name should not scare you, they are delicious! Several of these recipes, stylized and adapted to modern trends, await you in the gastronomic spaces of the Meliá hotels, as part of the “Nativa, authentic Cuban food” experience that we promote together with the Gaviota Tourism Group.

For example, that Caribbean Sea that is so part of Cuba and Holguín, will be present when you taste the crab cocktails, in which the meat of a crab-like crustacean is mixed with sauces based on mayonnaise and fruits … hmmm, spectacular. Did you know that the same crab, stuffed with vegetables, is a symbol of the Holguin city of Gibara? In fact, this region is known as “La Villa Blanca de los Cangrejos” (Crab’s white village) ). Also, ask our chefs about the meatballs based on the delicious fish known as bonefish (macabí); or for the seafood rice that has never disappointed those who taste it. Seafood and other delicacies are simmered in this recipe that is instantly reminiscent of Spanish paella or Asian fried rice; but that it is indisputably Cuban, and more than Cuban, Nativa and Holguín.

Fishballs “Macabí”

And they could not miss the cocktail proposals: the traditional Daiquirí is now transformed and to the mixture of rum, lemon and sugar we add mango, a wonder of tropical fruits. Everything well shaken and we serve it super cold, believe us, it will be the most refreshing and delicious you can find. Do you want something more… substantial? Well, we have the Nuestra Tierra cocktail, where old Santiago de Cuba rum is combined with coffee and cocoa liqueurs, and it is finished with chocolate grated. Perfect to pair with a Habano, under the guidance of our expert sommeliers. These are the experiences with Meliá Cuba: pure luxury!

Another classic reinvented by Nativa and Meliá: the Mojito. This time it will come with a different presentation, replacing the plastic straws with 100% bio materials. Also, we add ingredients grown very close to our resorts (such as peppermint) and the best rums from the Cuban East. Thus, the Mojito becomes Eco-Mojito; And savvy travelers say that Paradisus Río de Oro is prepared especially tasty (here we give you a mischievous wink). By the way, if you like surprises, ask for the Ponche Holguinero at the bar and then tell us… we will give you, as a hint, two key words: Havana Club.

Ponche Holguinero

In 1492, Christopher Columbus called Holguín “the most beautiful land.” Our proposal, together with the Nativa project of Gaviota, is to approve a new name: “Holguín, the land of the tastiest recipes”. Will you vote in favor?