Don’t miss the famous, venerable and lively Calle Obispo!

Don’t miss the famous,     venerable and lively Calle Obispo!

This important artery or boulevard traces its origin back to the 16th century, and it is located in the historic center of Cuba’s Old Havana.

It begins at Plazuela de Alvear and comes to an end at the splendid, old Plaza de Armas.

Symbolic buildings, institutions, banks (in its day it was known as Havana’s Wall Street) apart from illustrious neighbors and visitors, make it one of the most important and popular streets in Havana, which you can’t miss.

– Edificio Horter 115, between Calle Oficios and Baratillo, its construction was completed in 1917; it features elements of colonial architecture, stone coverings and iron balconies, today it is the seat of the Museum of Natural Sciences and the Public Library Rubén Martínez Villena.

– Banco Nacional de Cuba, on Calle Obispo at the corner with Calle Cuba, this building was erected in 1907; today it is headquarters of the Ministry of Finance and Prices. It was expanded in 1919. Its architecture is classical, with highlights being a portico with Corinthian columns and a pediment, which provides an image of great solidity.

-The Numismatic Museum 305, between Calle Aguiar and Obrapía, it was in its day the headquarters of Banco Mendoza. A splendid example of the architectural heritage of what was then “Modern Havana” it offers the visitor chambers with permanent exhibitions dedicated to medals and to coins, together with a library and a documentation center. The values of these are estimated at roughly 3 million dollars.

– “La Moderna Poesía, ” the main library of Havana, yesteryear and today. In about 1890 it opened its doors as a printing press and bookstore, which at that time occupied numbers 133 and 135 of this bustling artery. In 1935 a modern building was constructed, which is still standing today.

– Shopping Corredor, since very long ago this street has been colonized by stores, bazaars, specialized shops, pastry shops, drug stores. . . due to its privileged location near the port area. It was a pioneer in public lighting, and it is one of the best cobblestone streets in the city. Today it is one of the city’s most lively pedestrian zones, and it features many stores, restaurants, shops…etc.

– Highlights: the Restaurant Floridita on the corner of Obispo and Monserrate, and the hotel Ambos Mundos between Obispo and Mercaderes.  Back in the 1930’s they were “the home” of one of Cuba’s most illustrious visitors:Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prizewinner in Literature.  He immortalized the “Daiquiri”, a cocktail based on white rum, and he made it his own.

And so you must not miss out on this antique and modern artery of Havana with its impressive buildings, art, restaurants, banks, and a great vitality and exuberance.

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