The top 5 local drinks to try in Cuba

The top 5 local drinks to try in Cuba

Cuba is the country of music, sun, beaches, friendly people and the finest cigars, but it’s also famous for its exquisite food and drink. The local cuisine and cocktails have Spanish, Caribbean and African influences, forming such a delicious combination that no visitor can possibly resist. Whether you prefer non-alcoholic drinks or love Havana Club rum, the variety is amazing. Some of the concoctions created by Cuban bartenders have become so famous that they can be found all over the world, but there’s no doubt that they taste best when drunk in their country of origin. In order of popularity, here are the top local drinks to try in Cuba.


The favourite cocktail of millions, made with white rum, sugar, lime, mint, sparkling water and other ingredients which can be added to taste. To make a traditional Cuban mojito you have to use mint leaves, which are normally used for flavouring, but which also have many digestive properties. Some of the best mojitos can be enjoyed at La Bodeguita del Medio, in Old Havana.


The best summer cocktail! Made with white rum, sugar and Creole lemon juice or lime and lots of crushed ice. It’s a very versatile drink which can be made with numerous ingredients, especially fruit. But the one that has truly found international fame is the version concocted at one of the most famous bars in the world, Bar Floridita, where Ernest Hemingway used to drink them regularly.

ron cubanoRum

Due to its quality and tradition, Cuban rum is one of the most popular in the world and once you are in Cuba, the range is vast. You can choose according to brand, colour, age and price. Habana Club is the best known brand but there are others such as Santiago, Mulata, Ritual, Legendario, Caney…

jugos tropicalesTropical juices

The fertile lands of this Caribbean island produce plenty of fresh tropical fruit. From mango, banana, pineapple, papaya… you can order your juice… or simply blend it all together and enjoy a refreshing and healthy fruit punch to quench your thirst.    


Espresso coffee

In Cuba a cup of coffee is more than a tradition; it’s an intrinsic part of life. The typical coffee has a strong flavour, but which is balanced with a thin layer of froth that dissolves into the coffee. In the east of the country it’s common to sweeten it with honey or brown sugar, or even to add a splash of rum. Forget about Starbucks and enjoy an authentic espresso Cuban style!