Land and sea fun: two excursions from Cayo Santa María

Land and sea fun: two excursions from Cayo Santa María

When you talk about vacationing in Cuba, there are essential names. Havana, capital of the nation; Varadero or the natural landscape of the Viñales Valley: dozens of sites make visitors fall in love with their beauty. On the central north coast of the island, a group of islets stands out for their wonderful beaches and the charm of their unspoiled nature: they are the Villa Clara keys.

Cayo Santa María is the largest of them. It has excellent accommodation facilities in All Inclusive hotels and numerous forms of entertainment. Today we will tell you about two excursions available there -one land based and the other nautical- that remain year after year among the travelers’ favorite. And that, of course, you should not miss.

The first is the Jeep Safari, an adventure on wheels which starts picking up tourists at Cayo Santa María hotels to leave by bus to the town of Caibarién, crossing the famous causeway over the sea. Once on the big island, it is time to get on the 4-capacity jeeps and travel the rural roads enjoying the best views of the Cuban countryside. When you arrive at a typical Creole farm, you will be able to experience the peasant way of life through their daily tasks: milking the cows, feeding the poultry, riding through the pastures … At noon it is time to enjoy lunch with pork roasted in the traditional way, and in the afternoon you will refresh yourself with a dip in the waterfalls and natural pools of the nearby river. Finally, you return to Caibarién aboard the jeeps, and from there to your hotel. A day well spent, no doubt.

The second excursion is called Crucero del Sol, and it is considered one of the best in the island. Imagine leaving your hotel for the marina located in neighboring Cayo Las Brujas, where a comfortable catamaran awaits you with an open bar, music and the most cheerful crew you will ever meet. From there the exciting route through the ocean begins, skirting small islands, mangroves and canals. The journey includes stops in the open sea to snorkel over the coral reef, and also a visit to the dolphinarium where you will see the show starring these friendly animals and even interact with them. Then the seafood lunch based on fish and shellfish, and you could not miss the free time to relax on a virgin beach. Back at your accommodation, you will take with you the memory of this experience of sea and sun in the Caribbean.

Both excursions can be booked on numerous Cuba travel websites or with your trusted agent. If you forgot to do so, don’t worry: you can also access them in the sales desks located in most hotels. Both of them have been included in the program of the III Gaviota Destinations Tourism Trade Fair, which will take place there between December 7 and 12. Attendees will enjoy these proposals and much more. But if you are simply planning the next trip to Cuba, you already know: you have two activities that you must do. We hope you enjoy them!